Spring has sprung…just a few flying pics today

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. Went out to a few of our fun spots and found mud on many of our strips still. With the warm temps things should be improving daily. I will get back on here posting daily so stay tuned. Currently in the midst of getting a new engine, medications prop and a few other things…the last pic here should explain a lot..:( Needless to say I spend a lot of time practicing “tail up” taxing. At slower speeds this maneuver becomes more difficult. Anyway, while taxing around cones, circles and various other objects I had a good gust of wind blow up my tail feathers. Long story short, the plane went up on her nose and came to a rest…Thankfully the Feds are calling it an “occurrence” and not an incident or accident thankfully!


  • No pain no gain.. My first attempt at turning the airplane around almost went this way. Now afraid to try again….

  • Tail up taxiing around cones Harry…:) new engine will be done in a week! How is the East??? Good to hear from you!